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How It Works

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Everyone has their own learning style and speed. We adapt to yours using online self-paced tutorials. You move as fast or as slowly as you feel comfortable. If you get stuck or have questions, we have coaches to help.

Meetings are held in either Crested Butte or Gunnison, Colorado.

Join Any Time

You can join at any time – we have no official starting date and there is no “course schedule.” You start wherever you are, and move forward at your own pace.

If you can’t make every meeting, that’s fine. Just pick up where you left off.

Practice Before Theory

You begin coding right away, taking small steps with the hands-on tutorials. Once you get some experience, you have a context for questions, discussions and ideas.

​This approach works well for most people, but for folks who like a more traditional lecture-first strategy, we point you to free online lectures.

Do What Works for You

Regular meetings are organized using an online tool (Doodle) to create locations and times that work for more folks. We will attempt weekly meetings, but this will vary according to needs and schedules.

If you’re happy working on your own, the resources in this site will guide your self-study. If you start getting stuck, you can always join a meeting.